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Trump’s Rhetoric Evolution: Increased Negativity, Length, and Profanity Since 2016

Scott Jennings just another trumpster
Scott Jennings just another trumpster

I used to think that Scott Jennings was pretty level-headed, and enjoyed his opinion on CNN, especially on the Abby Phillip show. But as we get closer to the presidential election his vitriol has gotten really out of hand. Tonight, (10/7/24) he was really out of sorts. At one point getting indignant, pointing his finger in the face of Michael Eric Dyson simply because Dyson asked him if ever gets offended by anything Donald Trump ever says. Rather than answer this very simple question he became belligerent and out right hostile yelling I don’t answer to you, as he pointed to Michael Dyson and then pointed to Jay Michaelson.

Scott Jennings has turned out to be just another trumpster.

I liked that Scott was able to hold his own on a democratic-leaning show, and the debate used to be great. I was once able to see things from another perspective. But from about the middle of the summer Scott has been getting more asinie. I could never understand how educated people can continue to rationalize Donald Trump’s behavior and foul language. It wasn’t but 15 years ago the the office of the President of the United States of America was a highly respected position. But ever since Donald Trump came on the political scene our collective standards have plummeted.

Trump cuss's like no other president ever has.
The Vilest President Ever.

Since Donald Trump entered politics, he has been known for using offensive and profane language on numerous occasions. Here’s a list of notable cuss words or vulgar phrases he has used throughout his political career:

  1. Shithole countries: In January 2018, during a discussion on immigration, Trump reportedly referred to Haiti, El Salvador, and African countries as “shithole countries” when discussing immigrants coming from these nations. (KION546)

  2. Son of a bitch: During a rally in 2017, Trump called NFL players who kneeled during the national anthem in protest of racial injustice “sons of bitches” and suggested they should be fired.(ABC17NEWS)(TheIndependent).

  3. Pussy: In the infamous 2005 Access Hollywood tape that surfaced in 2016, Trump boasted about how his celebrity status allowed him to “grab [women] by the pussy” without their consent(POLITICO).

  4. Goddamn: Trump has used this term at various rallies, such as when he was criticizing an opponent or media outlet. This expletive is offensive to many religious people(TheIndependent).

  5. Motherfucker: According to his former lawyer Michael Cohen, Trump used this term in private conversations to describe people he disliked or criticized. (POLITICO)

  6. Bullshit: In January 2020, during a rally in Wisconsin, Trump railed against the impeachment process, calling it “all bullshit”(ABC17NEWS)(TheIndependent).

  7. Ass: Trump has publicly used this word, like when he described the media as “kissing [Obama’s] ass” during his presidency(POLITICO).

Trump’s frequent use of profanity and vulgar language has been a notable aspect of his political style, often framing him as a non-traditional politician who speaks without filters. However, it has also led to significant criticism, especially regarding his rhetoric’s impact on political decorum and public discourse.

Recent research, including a comprehensive analysis by The New York Times, shows that Donald Trump’s rhetoric has shifted significantly since 2016. His speeches are now longer and more negative, with a 69% increase in swear words compared to his first campaign. The study found that he uses more absolute terms like “always” and “never,” and relies on negative language 32% more than in 2016. Experts suggest these changes could reflect cognitive decline, as his speeches now often appear more incoherent and rambling(TheIndependent).


Kilander, G. (2024, October 7). Trump’s rambling and angry speeches raise questions about his age and fitness to serve four more years. The Independent.

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