Ex-president Donald Trump is the biggest whinner ever. This is the guy that for years went on a tirade defaming Barrack Obama. This is the guy that says he could grab woman by the pussy and because he is a celebrity they would love it. This is the guy that said he believed Putin when he said he had nothing to do with the 2016 social media purge. This is the guy that called the national guard on the Black Lives Matter Peaceful protest in front on the U.S. Capitol building, but did nothing for hours while his minions stormed that same Capitol Building, after telling them to go to the Capitol and fight, fight like hell because he insisted that the election was stolen. Now that he is on criminal trial he whines that “nothing like this has ever happened before.”
He, and his lackeys continuosly harp on the fact that Michael Cohen has lied. But if you look up the definition of a lie in the dictionary you’d find a picture of Donald J. Trump. Everything that comes out of his mouth is a lie.
- He said he could’nt show his tax returns because he was under audit. That was a lie, an audit does not prohibit one from showing their tax returns.
- He said he’d show his taxes after he was elected. Lie, he never showed his tax returns.
- He says he tells the truth, lol.
- He said the election was stolen from him. Lie, every court, including his appointed justices said that the election was fair, and he lost.
- After saying he grabs woman by the pussy, and appearing in photos with convicted sex deviant Jeffery Epstein, he says he did not have sex with porn star Stormy Daniels.
- He says he and Melania are in love. Lie she just tolerates him for his Money and the lifestyle he can provide.
- He said he would build a wall and that Mexico would pay. Lie Mexico did not spend one penny on the portion of the wall he was able to get built.
Whatever you think of Donald Trump, just remember all the things he was done, not just look at the things he did that you agree with. It’s like saying Jeffrey Dahmer was a good boy because he bought his mother a bouquet of flowers while overlooking all the people he killed and those he ate.
Donald Trump is evil incarnate, and this is just my opinion. He put babies in cages after ripping them away from their mothers arms. He over looked the people that stormed the Capitol, and in fact calls them hostages, while calling the Black Lives matter protestors agitators. He calls the Democrat’s fascist, while he himself seems to demonstrate many fascist traits. He is cummy with the Supreme Leader of North Korea, Kim Jong Un, and with the Russian President, Vladimir Putin. He would rather take Putin’s word than to listen to the advice of his own National Security advisors.
Donald Trump, you are right. In the 248 years of this country’s excistence, nothing like this has ever happened before. That is until you were elected President. Youhave lowered that bar so low that we have people like Marjorie Taylor Greene now serving as a United States Representative.
The U.S. is a Judeo-Christian society, that means most of it’s citizens believe in God. When Trump was elected and many people dispised him, many of his followers, including many religious leaders told us to accept it, because, they claimed, Trump was appointed by God, that it was all predestined. Well, following that logic, Trump’s followers should accept that he lost, and that he is now getting his just due, after all it is predestined.