Remember the scene in The Untochables movie, when the Al Capone character played by Robert De Niro yells at the Elliot Ness character played by Kevin Cosner outside the courtroom “you got nothing on me, you got nothing”, then after the trial Capone is convicted of income tax evasion?
After getting away with prostitution, robbery, bootlegging, and even murder Al Capone went down for income tax evasion.
Well here we are in 2024. Donald J. Trump (as the Al Capone Character), Ex-President of the United States of American, billion dollar entrepreuner and wanna be media mogal, twice impeached but never convicted appears to be heading for the same fate as Al Capone – being convicted on what many thought were silly or frivolus charges brought against him by Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg (as Elliot Ness).
The evidence being used against him are his own words, i.e., the infamous Access Hollywood Video, emails from him to his then attorney about payments to ensure she keeps her mouth shut. About his being a celebrity and kissing women without their consent, etc.
Now he whines, and kicks, and screams that they (the corrupt system) are out to get him. That he is a victim.
Well Donald J. Trump is no victim. He is a victimizer and he is finally going to be held to account. Facing 31 criminal charges, all that is needed is a conviction, a guilty verdict on one charge and he is through.
Unlike the impeachment where his gronies had the majority vote, and despite all the evidence against him, did not convict. In a criminal courtroom- a court if law, his gronies have no authority. Sure he is still arrogant, willful and strong willed. Attempting to mock the very system that he wants to lead. At the end of the day, just like for Al Copone, justice will be served.
As the trial gets under way, many of his supporters, many of his minions will begin to turn away. As the evidence gets presented and all his pervertions are brought to light- like his close association with Jeffery Epstein to cite just one, they will turn on him. There will be a domino affect.
Just like with Richard M. Nixon. In the Nixon case the Republican Party supported him and had his back until the very end. And then they all abandoned him. Nixon found himself alone. His only hail Mary was in naming Gerald Ford Vice President in the hopes the when he resigned and Ford was sworn in he would be pardoned. And that is what happened. Gerald Ford became President and pardoned Nixon. Richard M. Nixon left the Presidency in sheer disgrace, but he did not go to jail. Unfortunately for Donald Trunmp, he is not president. He can not appoint a Vice President to pardon him.
He will be left floundering in the wind all alone. And, the fun is just begining. Trump is counting on his getting elected so that he can then pardon himself. He is so insane that he has told us what he plans on doing when he gets elected. After pardoning himself, and remember he said he would be a dictator for one day – this is an asinine notion because anyone in there right mind knows that for narsasitic power hungry individuals one is too many and one thousand is never enought. If Trumo is elected, and this comes from his own words, I’m just paraphrasing them, he says he will clean the federal government. That he will remove all of the “corrupt” bureaucrats and replace them. That means that he will replace them with likeminded followers. This is truely a frieghtening notion. I’m sure that the Gernan people did not ever think that Adolph Hitler would do the atrocious things he did when they elected him. Then slowly he began to replace agency heads with his own people. Over time the executive branch of government consisted of his most ardent supporters. The next thing you know the ruling party was tbe Nazi party, and it became easy to blame the Jews for the faltering German economy. We all know what eventually happened –Millions of Jews were eradicated.
Many Americans believe that Trump is the savior for America’s ills. They love this man so much that they attempted take the government over by force. For three years Trump and his supporters spread the lie that the election was stolen from him. This led to an insurrection. An insurrection that failed, and many were arrested, some are still on trial, and yet millions still believe in savior Trump.
In America there have been times when one group attains power and attempts to forge a corrupt concept of government. But in the end, the just prevails. America is not without fault. No human being, no government is perfect. But I believe that the vast majority of Americans want the same things. To live the best life possible, to create better opportunities for thier children then what was afforded them. Yes there are still plenty of sick people in America, and racism is a sickness. But even that dark and horrific chapter in America came to an end. It took decades, and in some instances that illness still rears its ugly head. But for the most part we had moved on and advances and strides were being made. That is untill Trump covertly gave those sick people license to re-emerge. Lets not forget the whole “Karen” era.
So today is only the second day of the Donald J. Trump bring down, and jury selection continues. Let us see how it progesses.
More wiil be revealed.