Make America Great, Again?

I much as I disagree with almost everything Republican, I must admit that I admire their tenacity and ability to identify an issue and stick with it until it comes to fruition. By hook or by crook Republicans always seem to get thier’s.

Rebublicans have a view of America and work toward it. Even when defeated they simply move forward. They have played the long con and it seems to have worked.

As a party they made efforts to elect candidates to state-wide office, which I must say, they have managed to do brilliantly. Democrats, on the other hand, seem to have concentrated almost exclusively on the executive of both State and Federal levels. Why are state positions important to the overall Republican plan? Well for one thing the electoral college. The electoral college is made up of the congresperson and senators of each state PLUS the state level elected officials, that means State level offices and party leaders. If you recall, Both George W. Bush and Donald Trump lost the popular vote but won the office because of the electoral college. If you don’t know what the electrol college is you may want to check this out.

Millinials are to young to remember the whole hanging Chad incident that caused Al Gore to challenge the ballots. This challenge made it all the way to the Supreme Court where the conservative block gave the election to Bush. That election more than any other demonstrated how important every SINGLE vote is.

The election of 2016 had Hillary Clinton winning the popular vote by a margin of 3 to 1 yet  it is Donald Trump that sits in the Oval office.

The lesson should be that there is no room for apathy among people of color and other minorities. For every person of color that throws up thier’s hands and refuses to participate in our democracy, three Republicans and or Conservatives get bolstered.

Even hustlers and players and all manner of street people better snap out of the apathic state they are in. The rights that just about every American knows of from TV cops, you know the one that says “you have the right to remain silence”. Well those rights are called the Miranda Rights and they come from a 1966 criminal case that made its way to the Supreme Court.

The Supreme Court, the highest court in the land interprets the law. If that court is made up of a majority of conservative thinkers, then one thing we can be certain of, they will have the ability to interpret the law in a manner that serves thier needs and views and not the views of the rest of the population or the 99% and there is nothing anyone can do about it. Why? Because Supreme Court Justices are appointed for life. They can not be fired they can only be removed by impeachment and then sentenced to firing by the US Senate. And in the entire history of the USA that has never happened. There has never been an impeachment of a Supreme Court Justice. In fact only 2 Presidents in history have ever been impeached. The first was Andrew Johnson, in 1868, for dismissing Edwin M. Stanton as secretary of war and the second was Bill Clinton, in 1998 for charges of lying under oath in regards to sexual relations with a White House intern. But never a Supreme Court Justice.

With the confirmation of Brett Kavenaugh to the high Court the Conservatives control the majority of the votes on the Supreme court. That majority on the court puts many things in jepardy. Things like:

Roe Vs. Wade which has to do with a womans right to control her own body, ie reproduction.

Immigration, Climate, Evolution Vs. the so-called intelligent design, and so many other rights that I can’t enumerate here.

But, for the first time in America’s history the Republican party controls all branches of government. This happened one time before when FRD was President thanks to the New Deal Coalition.  Because of this realignment of Government Blacks, Catholics, Jews and other minorities were allowed more participation in the electoral process in this country, which made it possible for the election of Barrack Obama, the first African-American President.  Since then, Republicans have been trying to gain control of the Government in order to reverse some of the rights minority Americans have gained. The Republicans feel that those rights have deminished the white mans rights and as they have been shouting in election after election “We must take back our country” or more recently “Make American great again” but that means building a wall, striping women of thier reproductive rights, doing away with what’s left of affirmative action, doing away with any debate for sensible gun control policy, etc, etc. We are in danger of fascism.

A dictatorship lead by Donald Trump in which the 1% will control all wealth, access to food, water and everything else that makes us free human beings. In less than 3 weeks Americans will have one last chance to put our country back on course. If the Democrats do not take back at least one house we will become another World War II Germany but this time it will not just be Jews that get incinerated, it will be everyone that is not SUPER RICH, and by the new definition super rich means being multi-billionaires. If you dont believe what I’m saying, consider this, Trump allowed a few multi-millionaires to be part of this cabinet just so he can say the poor are represented.

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